Spring Auction Committee

The 2023/2024 Online Spring Auction, scheduled to take place from March 13 through March 20, is one of Monte Gardens Elementary School's larger fundraising events. The Auction Committee Chair and Auction Assistants are to:

  • Create, organize and oversee the various aspects of our online auction.
  • Handle coordinating teacher treats,
  • Donation solicitations, raffle, promotional fliers and volunteer coordination.
  • Mail letters,
  • Make phone calls,
  • Visit local businesses,
  • Collect donations and
  • Assist with general event coordination.

In addition, the Auction Committee must this year explore converting future Spring Auctions into in-person banquets with live and silent auctions. Please connect with Sequoia Elementary School Principal Becky Vichiquis (VichiquisR@mdusd.org) and their Parents Club equivalent for appropriate direction.

Please direct any inquiries to president@mgparents.org.

Positions (1/2 filled)

Auction Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1

Create, organize and oversee the various aspects of our online Auction (spring). Excellent planning skills are a must but this is a very rewarding job as it is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. Total time commitment may vary based on number of volunteers and how Auction Committee Chair divides responsibilities.

Auction Committee Members Signed Up: 1 / 6

Auction Members will handle tasks as assigned including coordinating teacher treats, donation solicitations, raffle, promotional fliers and volunteer coordination. Members will need to mail letters, make phone calls, visit local businesses, collect donations and assist with general event coordination. Total time commitment may vary based on number of volunteers and how Auction Committee Chair divides responsibilities.
Sign up