Just a friendly reminder that our Believe Kids/Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser ends this Friday, August 30!! Please be sure to turn in all order forms/money collected to your teacher on Friday. For kids that have earned additional U CREW Keychains for selling 5/10/20 items they can visit us at the tables today, Tuesday, Aug 27 & Thursday, Aug 29 from 2:30-3pm at the table in front of the MUR & down at the bottom of the hill. No paper coupons needed.
It’s not too late to register and join the fun! Orders can still be placed online at shopfund.com through the end of day Friday as well. Send out one last reminder email, text, and Social Media posts encouraging people to shop & support!
Thank you for helping make our sale a success. Let’s finish out strong, Eagles!!!
Lindsay Gage Ring (lindsaygagering@gmail.com) & Megan Panza (megdpt@gmail.com)