Campus Beautification Day and New Families Play Date
Sun, Aug 5 10:00am-3:00pm

Sunday August 5th from 10 am to 1 pm will be our annual

Getting Ready for School Beautification Event!



This event focuses on planting small plants and flowers, trimming plants a bit, and making sure everything looks great for the first day of school.


We'll have plenty of things for folks big and small to work on, and it's lots of fun to come and meet new and returning families, re-connect with friends, familiarize yourself with the campus, and generally have fun as a community - we look forward to seeing you! We'll have snacks and time to visit between activities.


And if you want to stay beyond 1pm, we'll probably be able to find something for you to do ;)

Bonus:  We'll also  have a play date for new families on the playground (1-3pm) and will be selling the brand new Nea Ninja Spirit Gear.  Stop by, introduce yourself, and get ready for back to school!