Crossing Over Potluck - What to Bring
Fri, Jun 1
2 days before

This ceremony is a part of the Nea tradition. Once learners walk across the field to symbolize going to the next grade level, we will enjoy potluck snacks and refreshments in the Lower Village quad.

We ask that each grade level bring items to share.  Sign up here or just show up with food! 
Please drop your food items to the main office.  Please bring NUT FREE foods. 

  • K - Dessert

  • 1st - Finger food

  • 2nd - Snacks

  • 3rd - Drinks

  • 4th - Dessert

  • 5th - Finger Food

  • 6th-8th- Snacks

  • 9th-12th - Drinks



Dessert - Kindergarten Signed Up: 9 / 30

Sign up

Finger Food - 1st Grade Signed Up: 8 / 30

Sign up

Snacks - 2nd Grade Signed Up: 2 / 30

Sign up

Drinks - 3rd Grade Signed Up: 4 / 30

Sign up

Dessert - 4th Grade Signed Up: 4 / 30

Sign up

Finger Food - 5th Grade Signed Up: 2 / 30

Sign up

Snacks - 6th-8th Grade Signed Up: 5 / 30

Sign up

Drinks - 9th-12th Grade Signed Up: 1 / 30

Sign up