Dine & Donate Saturday, October 21- Mod Pizza Gives 25% to Support the Nea Senior Class!
Sat, Oct 21
Mod Pizza South Shore
1 day before

Join us for a Dine & Donate at Mod Pizza South Shore Location in Alameda on Saturday, October 21st ALL Day, during store hours 10:30AM to 10:00PM!


Bring in the flyer or order online using the MOD app or website using the Fundraising Code: MODGIVES25 and Mod Pizza will donate 25% to the Nea Senior Class Fundraiser for their end of year trip and prom!


Thank you for your continued support of the Nea Senior class! The September Dine & Donate at Chipotle was a huge success and raised over $435 for the Senior Class Fundraiser.


Every amount helps to get them closer to  their $12,000 goal so ALL Seniors can go on the Senior trip and to Prom.