Nea PTSA Board Positions and Leads
Sun, Jan 20 2:02pm

2019-2020 PTSA Role Descriptions


Elected Executive Board Positions

Elections will occur at the March 2019 Meeting.  Transition occurs July 1, 2019. PTSA Board members have one board meeting per month and attend bimonthly Association meetings.  Activity outside of meetings will vary by position.


PTSA President
Presides at the meetings and prepares the agenda. The president appoints the Parliamentarian and chairs of the committees and is a member of all the committees. Submits necessary paperwork to the district PTA and signs authorizations for payments. Represents the PTSA at the Alameda PTA council meetings or appoints someone to attend; assembles records of PTSA activities.
At-Home: 6 hours/month
On-Site: 5 hours/month

PTSA Vice President
Serves as chairperson of parental involvement and an aide to the president and performs all of the president's duties if the president is absent.  Manages membership and woforos. Traditionally leads Support Nea Now campaign and Facilitator Appreciation Week
At-Home: 3 hours/month
On-Site: 6 hours/month

PTSA Treasurer
Helps develop a carefully considered budget as a financial guide for the year. Handles and keeps an accurate detailed account of all monies received and disbursed. Submits a written report at PTA meetings. Prepares an annual financial report and tax return
At-Home: 8 hours/month
On-Site: 2 hours/month


PTSA Secretary
Keeps an accurate and concise record of all PTSA meetings. Assist with agenda if needed. Prepares and reads report of the executive board meetings. Along with the president signs all authorizations for payment. Is responsible for publishing meeting agendas and meeting summaries from PTSA meetings.
At-Home: 4 hours/month
On-Site: 2 hours/month

PTSA Historian
Records volunteer hours and keeps a record of PTSA activities.
At-Home: 2 hours/month
On-Site: 2 hours/month

PTSA Financial Secretary
Assists Treasurer in the tracking and depositing of all monies received and disbursed and in the creation of reports.  Checks office mailbox for checks then makes copies and deposits to bank.
At-Home: 3 hours/month
On-Site: 4 hours/month

Nominated Executive Board Positions

Nominated by the President after July 1, 2019


Reviews and studies the bylaws and standing rules annually. Provides training, when necessary, on procedures such as how to state a motion, quorums, etc and advice on questions of parliamentary procedure. Assists presiding officer by keeping order at meetings. The parliamentarian understands and guides the board on Roberts Rules of Order. Participates as a member of the PTSA Executive Board.

On-Site: 3 hours/month

Non-Board Positions

These roles are important to the community but are not on the Executive Board and are ongoing throughout the year.  They are not elected positions and can often be shared by a team. Timing is typically very flexible.


Communications - Konstella

Manages and maintains dates and parent roles in the Konstella community tool.  May be combined with another position.


Communications - Newsletter

Programs the weekly PTSA newsletter in the school’s e-Notify tool based on information provided by the president and event leads


Lost and Found and Donation Coordinator

This person or team helps to organize the lost and found regularly, this can typically be done by spending a few minutes before or after pick up/drop off.  On a regular basis remaining items are donated to Schoola or a charitable cause.


Popcorn Lead/Coordinator

The popcorn lead keeps an eye on weekly volunteer sign ups and refills ingredients as needed.  



Event Leads

These roles are centered around specific events and occur at specific times of the year.  They are not elected positions and can often be shared by a team. Timing is typically very flexible.


Support Nea Now Lead

Leads the annual fundraising campaign in August-November including outreach, envelope distribution and collection, and reminder campaign


Nea Night Out Planning Leads

Typically includes leads for Auction and for Decor as well as other party planning support.  Work begins in October and finishes around February depending on event timing.


Book Fair Lead

The book fair lead coordinates the setup, break down, and volunteer positions for book fair events in November and March.  They also coordinate scheduling with Scholastic and work with facilitators on classroom book donation requests.


Walkathon Lead

The Walkathon lead coordinates our learner-powered fundraiser in the Spring.  Key responsibilities include ordering materials, coordinating volunteers, day of course planning with Admin, and event day support.