Spring Beautification Work Day
Sat, May 11 9:00am-3:00pm
Campus Beautification

Calling All Campus Beautifiers!

The next beautification day is coming up on Saturday May 11th, from 9 am to 3 pm!

As always, beautification activities count toward student and parent community service credits. This is a great opportunity to catch up if you've got a stack of hours sitting there staring at you!

Spring is the time to set up our plantings for growing in during the warmer seasons, as well as setting them up for some rest and relaxation over the summer, so we return to a fall campus that is lush and lovely!  

Here’s what we have planned for the day:


Start the living willow fort in the k-yard. This is the first step in what will be a process of growing a living structure from willow straps. These will expand upon the nature play space / outdoor classroom we built to replace the sandbox last year.


Add trees for study: science curriculum needs trees. Specifically, a broadleaf deciduous tree, and a coniferous evergreen tree. These will be placed near the living willow fort.

Add plants to the new, low-water use planters in the portables area.

Some of you may have noticed the giant, winter blooming sunflower near the corner of 3rd and Brush. We’re adding more!

As always, we'll be looking to increase the magic and wonder of the daily experience of being on-campus, and there will be the usual opportunities for all ages to help spread compost and mulch, as well as weeding and pruning!

Bring gloves, shovels, pruners if you have them, and any necessities like water or snacks, but we will have some snacks and water available if you arrive without provisions. If you have wheelbarrows or garden wagons, please feel free to bring those as well.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Location and Time:

Saturday, May 11th

9 am - 3 pm


Meet outside The Tree