The Nea CLC PTSA Needs You!
Thu, Mar 25 1:52pm


The Nea CLC PTSA Board Needs you help! We have several Executive Board positions we need to fill for next year - having a full board is critical to being able to function correctly and support the school :)  All positions are voting, and its an amazing way to be involved in your childs schooling and community.


We'd love to be able to vote in a full slate at our next PTSA meeting on May 12! (These can be great Resume fodder as well)


Both Association and Executive Board meetings will stay remote via Zoom next year for convenience :)


Please email us at if you'd like to know more about one of these positions. All are open for contention, but we are very hopeful to fill these following seats:



 Keeps an accurate and concise record of all PTSA meetings. Assists with agenda if needed. Prepares and reads report of the executive board meetings. Along with the president signs all authorizations for payment. Is responsible for publishing meeting agendas and meeting summaries from PTSA meetings.


Helps develop a carefully considered budget as a financial guide for the year with President. Handles and keeps an accurate detailed account of all monies received and dispersed. Submits a written report at PTA meetings. Prepares an annual financial report.


Financial Secretary

Assists Treasurer in the tracking and depositing of all monies received and dispersed and in the creation of reports.



Records volunteer hours and keeps a record of PTSA activities.



Reviews and studies the bylaws and standing rules annually. Provides training, when necessary, on procedures such as how to state a motion, quorums, etc. and advises on questions of parliamentarian procedure. Assists presiding officer by keeping order at meetings.