PTSA Executive Board

The below positions are the executive board of the PTSA.   We report out on decisions at the association meeting. 

Officer Elections occur every year in March.
We welcome you to join the leadership team of the Nea PTSA!

Positions (8/10 filled)

PTSA President Signed Up: 1 / 1

Presides at the meetings and prepares the agenda. The president appoints the Parliamentarian and chairs of the committees and is a member of all the committees. Submits necessary paperwork to the district PTA and signs authorizations for payments. Represents the PTSA at the Alameda PTA council meetings or appoints someone to attend; assembles records of PTSA activities.

Parlimentarian Signed Up: 0 / 1

Reviews and studies the bylaws and standing rules annually. Provides training, when necessary, on procedures such as how to state a motion, quorums, etc and advise on questions of parliamentarian procedure. Assists presiding officer by keeping order at meetings. The parliamentarian understands and guides the board on Roberts Rules of Order. Participates as a member of the PTSA Executive Board. This is a critical and required role on our leadership team! Attends one exec board meeting monthly and bimonthly PTSA association meetings. Contact Amy Fong if you are interested in filling this position for the 2017-2018 school year.
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PTSA Vice President Signed Up: 1 / 1

Serves as chair person of parental involvement and an aide to the president and performs all of the president's duties if the president is absent.

PTSA Secretary Signed Up: 1 / 1

Keeps an accurate and concise record of all PTSA meetings. Assist with agenda if needed. Prepares and reads report of the executive board meetings. Along with the president signs all authorizations for payment. Is responsible for publishing meeting agendas and meeting summaries from PTSA meetings.

PTSA Historian Signed Up: 1 / 1

Records volunteer hours and keeps a record of PTSA activities.

PTSA Treasurer Signed Up: 1 / 1

Helps develop a carefully considered budget as a financial guide for the year. Handles and keeps an accurate detailed account of all monies received and dispersed. Submits a written report at PTA meetings. Prepares an annual financial report and tax return

PTSA Financial Secretary Signed Up: 1 / 1

Assists Treasurer in the tracking and depositing of all monies received and dispersed and in the creation of reports.

PTSA Konstella Admin Signed Up: 1 / 1

The PTSA Admin Account sets up, maintains, and organizes content on Konstella. [Note: This is not a board position but an online account set up to give access for content management purposes.]

Communications Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

The Communications Chair helps with getting information out to the community by managing Konstella, newsletters, and ongoing communications with the community.
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PTSA VP Fundraising Signed Up: 1 / 1