Are We Talking About School Closures at the PTA Meeting Tonight?
Tue, May 14 8:40am

Hello Seals,


Tonight we have our May PTA meeting and many people have approached the PTA to ask if we are going to address SPS's plan for Well Resourced Schools that includes closing 20 elementary schools. The answer is yes.
At the same time, we must be aware that there is a previously scheduled 6th grade readiness panel directly after the PTA meeting tonight. While many of us are anxious and want to talk openly about school closures, I would like us to refrain from this talk until the official PTA meeting is over. After the meeting, those wishing to discuss the district's plan for Well Resourced schools will go with Jennifer Markovitz, current Secretary and President- elect to another location in the school to discuss.

Please keep conversations (on the side and in the open) to zero in front of our students. Life is complicated enough, but the uncertainty of school closures causes fear and anxiety. 
Thank you for respecting our students and understanding the needed separation tonight.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Beth at