Fall Session of After-School Enrichment Clubs
Thu, Sep 26 6:10pm

Fall Session of After-School Enrichment Clubs 

Sign your student up for fun, social, and engaging after-school enrichment clubs sponsored by the PTA! Clubs are offered directly after school, at school, making it super easy for kids to participate. Scholarships are available. Check the variety of club offerings at 6crickets.com


Registration: October 1st @ 12noon until October 4th

Clubs begin week of October 14th and run for 8 weeks ending December 13th (no clubs over thanksgiving break when school is not in session)


Look for the volunteer sign up sheet on Konstella coming soon!  The clubs have been successful in years past due to VOLUNTEERS! 

We look forward to adding you to our merry team of after-school enrichment club volunteers.


Questions about volunteering for after school clubs?  Here are some answers: 


Help check in students at their clubs, assist club instructors with any needs, help with dismissal, tidy up classrooms if needed.  


In order to have after school clubs, we as a PTA are required to provide supervision.


Any North Beach parent/guardian. At least one parent/guardian with a child enrolled in a club is required to volunteer a minimum of one time during each 8 week session.  


Complete the SPS Volunteer form:  https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/volunteer and sign up on Konstella for a day or more to come help out.


Clubs run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, directly after school.


Please contact KC Ficken at enrichment@northbeachpta.org for any other questions.