PTA Board Meeting - Oct 10th in-person
Tue, Oct 10 6:30pm-8:00pm
North Beach Elementary Library

The October 10th PTA Meeting will be a BOARD meeting and will be held in person in the North Beach Library at 6:30pm. What's the difference between a PTA general meeting and a PTA board meeting you ask?

PTA General Meetings

These meetings keep our community informed. These informative meetings discuss items that impact our entire school community: standing rules, budgets, elections, and also host special guest speakers and Principal Q&A sessions. Meetings are generally held the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm; either in-person or online.


PTA Board Meetings

These meetings are the grease that keep the wheels turning. Board Meetings focus on items that are part of the running of the PTA, but do not focus on items that impact the entire North Beach community: Mini-Grants, budget line item spending, and committee reports. During these meetings only Board Members vote, but all are welcome to take part in the process!