Salmon Tank - Volunteers Needed!
North Beach Elementary Lobby

The salmon tank in the school lobby will soon get a whole new crop of salmon eggs that will hatch into tiny salmon as part of the 4th grade science curriculum! Ms. Osborn needs parent volunteers interested in helping to care for the water quality of the tank and feed the salmon once they start eating (you do not have to be a 4th grade parent to help!). 

Volunteers can make it work around your schedule - before school, during school, after school is all great! Do it on your own - or come in during school hours and have the kids help you if that sounds fun. 

Responsibilities include (Ms. Osborn will teach you everything you need to know):

- Testing the water

- Changing out water

- Adding fish food

- Help over mid-winter and spring break especially needed

If you are interested in helping in any capacity, please sign up and Ms. Osborn will be in touch with more specifics.  If you have questions, email her at: 



Salmon Tank Helpers Signed Up: 6 / 20

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