Chipotle Fundraiser for PFG
Wed, Feb 5 4:00pm-8:00pm
Ocean Road Elementary School
1 day before


  • 25% of sales go back to PFG
  • Reminder — your online ordering code is: BK7ENCW. If you have questions about how the online ordering process works, see the attached PDF. Please note that fundraiser online ordering is only valid through pickup during your fundraiser’s scheduled date, time, and assigned restaurant. Ordering delivery for fundraisers is not permitted at this time.
  • Make sure your supporters show the fundraiser flyer (hard copy or on their phone) or tell the cashier at checkout that they are there for a fundraiser before they pay! If they don’t tell our cashier, your organization won’t get credit for the sale.
  • Gift cards purchased during fundraisers do not count towards total donated sales, but purchases made with an existing gift card will count.