Mon, Feb 3 8:31pm
We’re excited to announce that PENNY WARS is back for the second year!
The children and staff had so much fun participating in this event !!
Quick review of how Penny Wars works:
- ️ Each grade works together!
- ️ We place two containers in each classroom, one for pennies to help their grade and one for silver coins or bills to sabotage another grade.
- There are common grade jugs by the cafeteria that each class will contribute to daily.
- Pennies will go in their grade’s numbered jug, and they can have fun deciding which grade to sabotage!
- ️ We provide daily updates through morning announcements so the students can strategize who they want to put the silver coin or bills into.
- ️ Penny Wars runs from 2/18-2/28. Pennies count as 1 point each and sabotaging is the name of the game as that counts against the total pennies.
- The winning grade gets ALL the glory, a pizza party for each class, and their name added to the Penny Wars trophy which is displayed in the office.
- ️ Kindergarten took the W last year, who will be Penny Wars champs this year!?!?️
- Let the coin collecting fun begin!!!