Ocean Road School PTO By-Laws
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be the Ocean Road School (ORS) Parent Teacher Organization (ORSPTO).
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the ORSPTO shall be as follows:
- To promote a closer relationship between the parents and teachers.
- To enhance the educational experience.
- To organize fundraising programs to benefit all children.
- The ORSPTO shall be a non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profit organization organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Its “articles of organization” comprise of the certificate of incorporation or articles of incorporation and these By-Laws, as from time to time amended. In the event of any conflict between the certificate of incorporation and these By-Laws, the ORSPTO shall take prompt action to amend the certificate of incorporation or articles of incorporation to conform to the provisions of these By-Laws.
Article III: Membership
Section I - Parents/Guardians of all students in the ORS and all members of the staff of ORS shall be eligible for membership in the ORSPTO.
Section II - Upon payment of dues to the membership committee, accompanied by an application, the applicant (family) shall be considered a member of the ORSPTO.
Article IV: Executive Board Meetings
Section I - The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Board Officers (Executive Board).
Section II - The duties of the Executive Board shall be to oversee fundraisers, to create special committees, to approve the plans for all standing committees, to present a report at regular meetings of the ORSPTO and to approve committee expenditures.
Section III - Regular meetings of the ORSPTO shall be held during the school year on a consistent day decided upon by the Executive Board. A majority of the members present shall constitute a quorum. A sign-in sheet will be posted at all meetings. Any urgent issues requiring a vote during the month will be resolved by a phone email, or online vote. The phone, email or online poll will be made to members who attended the previous month’s meeting until a majority vote has been reached.
Section IV - The Executive Board shall hold monthly closed meetings.
Article V: Officers
Section I - The Executive Board shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Board shall be elected by the ORSPTO members at the last meeting of every year and shall serve for one year term. No Executive Board Officer shall serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office (position) unless voted upon majority at last meeting and only on a case-by-case basis. Any office should be held by two people (i.e. Co-President, etc) that will work together to share the duties of that position.
Section II - Any member in good standing, having at least one-year ORSPTO experience, is eligible for any office.
Section III - Newly elected Executive Board shall assume their duties at the time of installment. (see Article VI, Section III).
Section IV - The President shall preside over all ORSPTO meetings and shall exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the ORSPTO. The President shall serve as member ex-officio on all committees without the right to vote.
Section V - The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence or at his or her request.
Section VI - The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of each ORSPTO and executive board meeting with such minutes to be an accurate record of all transactions. He or she will also have a copy of the ORSPTO By-Laws at each meeting.
Section VII - The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all the correspondence for the ORSPTO and will keep copies of all letters for referral.
Section VIII - The Treasurer shall have charge of all the monies of the ORSPTO and shall pay all bills as directed by the Executive Board. He or she shall keep books of accounts and render monthly statements to the ORSPTO at each meeting. The Treasurer shall present a report by the first general meeting. He or she shall in conjunction with the Executive Board, prepare a budget which shall be presented to the ORSPTO at the first meeting of the school year. He or she shall make available the records of deposits and disbursements to the executive board for a periodic audit of the bank accounts. All ORSPTO correspondence from a banking institute shall be directed to:
Ocean Road School
Attention: ORSPTO Treasurer
1210 Benedict Street,
Point Pleasant, NJ 08742
Section IX - In the event of a vacancy among the Executive Board, the President shall appoint a qualified ORSPTO member to fill the post. If the office of the President should become vacant, the Vice President automatically becomes President.
Article VI: Committees
Section I - Standing Committees are required to conduct the business of the ORSPTO and shall be created by the Executive Board. Members shall serve on the committee for a least one year. The chairperson of each standing committee shall present plans of work to the ORSPTO. The chairperson shall also be responsible for saving any and all files pertaining to their committee. The files shall be saved electronically on the ORSPTO’s shared Google Drive folder.
Section II - Special Committees: Such other committees shall, from time to time be necessary to carry on the work of the ORSPTO and shall be appointed by the President and/or the Executive Board.
Section III - Nominating Committee: A Nominating Committee consisting of three members shall be appointed by the President and approved by the ORSPTO. Any member wishing to run for an office shall submit in writing to the Nomination Committee their name and desired office. All names received by the Nominating Committee shall appear on the ballot at the last meeting of the school year. The Nominating Committee shall act as the Committee of Tellers. The Nominating Committee may elect to conduct online voting. After the ballots have been submitted, the tellers will count the ballots. All ballots are to remain anonymous and should not be discussed in the future. The Nominee receiving the highest number of votes will be declared the elected Executive Board Officer. Upon completion of counting the ballots, the announcement of the elected Executive Board will be made by the chairperson of the Nominating Committee. Installation of new Executive Board will take place at the last meeting of the school year.
Article VII: Meetings
Section I - Special Meetings may be called by the Executive Board with five days’ notice having been given.
Section II - The last meeting of the school year shall be for the purpose of electing a new Executive Board, hearing reports, and addressing other business as may properly come before it.
Section III - A majority shall constitute a quorum which is needed for the transaction of business in any meeting of the ORSPTO.
Section IV - A majority of members present shall constitute a quorum. A sign-in sheet will be posted at all meetings. Any urgent issues requiring a vote during the month will be resolved by a phone, email, or online vote. The phone or email poll will be made to members who attended the previous month’s meeting until a majority vote has been reached.
Section V - Regular meetings of the ORSPTO shall be scheduled by the new executive board.
Article VIII: Standing Rules
Section I - Standing Rules may be adopted amended or abolished at any regular meeting by a two-third vote.
Article IX: Conflict of Interest Policy
Section I - Whenever an officer of the Executive Board has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Executive Board or membership, the Executive Board shall ensure that:
- The interest of such officer is fully disclosed to the Executive Board.
- No interested officer may vote or lobby on the matter or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at the meeting of the Executive Board and members at which such matter is voted upon.
- Any transaction in which an officer of the Executive Board has a financial or personal interest shall be duly approved by members of the Executive Board not so interested or connected as being in the best interests of the ORSPTO.
- Payments to the interested officer or member shall be reasonable and shall not exceed fair market value.
- The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention, and rationale for approval.
Article X: Amendments
Section I - Any By-Law may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, notice of such amendments having been given at a previous meeting.
Article XI: Clifford McKenna Scholarship Fund
Section I - In the event that the ORSPTO is terminated or dissolved, all assets of the ORSPTO shall be turned over to the Clifford McKenna Scholarship Fund. Funds shall then be disbursed on an annual basis following the last set of rules in place by the current Principal of ORS.
Ocean Road School PTO Standing Rules
- Regular Organizational meetings shall be held at Ocean Road School. The number of meetings of the PTO shall be announced at the first meeting.
- Checks should be made payable to Ocean Road School PTO.
- It is the duty of each officer and chairperson to turn over all data and information concerning his or her job to the President under whom he or she served.
- The fiscal year will run from July 1st thru June 30th of the following year.
- The budget is to be presented to the general membership at the first general meeting by the treasurer.
- Account ledger will be presented at every meeting by the treasurer.
- Regular meetings are to be held at the Board’s discretion at 7pm.
- Dues are collected annually at a rate of $10.00 for each member/family including board members.
- Teachers are automatically members and can be reimbursed up to $75 for items they purchased for their classroom with proper documentation and reimbursement form.
- Outgoing board members must meet with newly elected board members to complete the year end documents and taxes.
- There must be at least two signatures on all ORSPTO bank accounts.
- Any monies from events must be counted by two ORSPTO members.
- All monies collected from events must be given to the treasurer within 48 hours.
- Treasurer should supply a receipt to the event chair of deposited monies.
- All monies must be deposited within seven business days.
- All expenses incurred by members of event committees will be reimbursed with receipts and proper form.
- Two signatures are required on all ORSPTO checks over the amount of $500.
- No more than $350 will be spent without a general election vote other than purchases for budgeted events (i.e. Holiday Fair, American Girl, etc.).
- Committee chairpersons should keep a log pertaining to committee business including budget, meeting information, attendance, and fliers and turn into a board member after the event.
- Committee chairpersons are responsible for staying within the budgeted guidelines for their function. Executive board must be advised on the status of their budget.
All officers shall:
- Be familiar with the ORS PTO Standing Rules and By-Laws.
- Train their successors in a timely manner.
- Prepare and maintain a detailed officers manual.
- Maintain a minimum of $8,000.00 in the ORS PTO general fund at the close of each fiscal year.
- Maintain full accountability of all funds.
- Taxes for the year are the responsibly of the Board to be completed by all required deadlines.
These standing rules shall be read at the first general meeting of the year, by the recording secretary. They may be amended or rescinded by 2/3rds vote at any general meeting.
orspto1@gmail.com | www.orspto.com
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Positions (6/6 filled)
Committee Admin Signed Up: 1 / 1 |
Presidents Signed Up: 2 / 2Consult with the principal as to dates, functions and other issues prior to the school year. Advise all committee chairs as to procedures to follow in running an event. Must keep an open line of communications with his/her officers. Board meetings shall be held before monthly meetings and as needed. Should be present at Kindergarten Orientation. Must examine and sign all bank statements monthly as dictated by insurance policy. Meet with Project 5th grade committee chairs as to procedure before the beginning of the school year.
Vice Presidents Signed Up: 2 / 2Responsible for completing facilities requests and raffle licenses. Responsible for renewing the Legalized game of Chance licensing bi-annually. Responsible for keeping standing rules up to date. Will become President Designee upon his/her absence at a function of meeting. Carry out specific responsibilities assigned by the president.
Co-Corresponding Secretaries Signed Up: 2 / 2Responsible for collecting membership forms and creating a directory of all PTO members. Conduct all official correspondence for the organization. Pick up mail from the PTO mailbox and distribute it as necessary. Carry out specific responsibilities assigned by the president.
Co-Recording Secretaries Signed Up: 2 / 2Responsible for preparing agenda for the meetings and for taking minutes at each monthly meeting. Maintain records of attendance for all general meetings. Posts approved minutes on the website. Carry out specific responsibilities assigned by the president.
Co-Treasurers Signed Up: 2 / 2Shall present a treasurer’s report at each general meeting which shall include balances on all accounts, and a detailed list of expenses.The outgoing treasurer and newly elected treasurer will work together to complete year end paperwork and taxes. No checks will be issued without a proper reimbursement form. All checks $500 and over must be signed by two board members. Bank reconciliation is completed every month. All monies must be deposited within two business days. Alert the president and chairperson of all returned checks. Follow up on all returned checks with a letter or phone call.