๐Ÿ“š Back-to-School Updates + Planning
Mon, Aug 28 11:11am

Hello P.S. 20 families!

We hope you’re enjoying a restful and restorative summer break. The staff at P.S. 20 are working diligently to prepare for the coming school year, and the PTA has put together a list of back-to-school FAQs that you can reference on ps20.org here—including school supplies, pick-up and drop-off information, after-school registration options, and more. One school supplies update: This year, the PTA will be ordering cleaning and sanitary supplies in bulk for all classrooms, so no need to purchase those!

๐Ÿ“š P.S. 20 Back-to-School FAQ's ๐Ÿ“š

New classrooms will be updated in Konstella closer to school reopening, and you will be receiving an email from your teacher soon with an invite to a virtual orientation prior to the first day of school. For any other school-related questions, please contact Karen Colon at kcolon3@schools.nyc.gov.

We look forward to a safe, healthy, and happy school year!


The P.S. 20 PTA Board
