A message from Afterschool Activities Committee
Sat, Nov 18 9:47am

We are a couple parents with students at PS20 and are hoping to initiate a French afterschool on-site at PS20 open to all students with a program called EFNY - it is a great program that follows the French curriculum with French-speaking trained teachers.  If there is enough interest, EFNY can run afterschool classes for both students who are in the French Dual Language Program as well as students who do not speak French but are interested in learning the language.

To gauge the interest of the parent community, please complete this survey by Tuesday, November 21


If parents have any questions, they can contact Kiritin Beyer (kiritinbeyer@gmail.com) or Fabienne Keller (fmvkeller@gmail.com).


All the best,


Kiritin and Fabienne