CEC Parent Vote
Fri, Apr 28 12:32pm

Dear Clinton Hill School/PS 20 Parent,

Have you voted?

You can have your voice heard by voting in the Education Council Elections.

To vote, you will need to sign into your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). If you do not have an account, it’s not too late! Sign up for your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) today. If you need help signing up to NYCSA, I will guide you through the process.

Be sure to review the candidates’ profiles here before voting.

Voting lasts until May 9, but don’t wait, sign in to NYCSA and Vote today!

Questions? Attend an Information Session   https://zoom.us/j/93675758362?pwd=UGdSejN0ZUFoZW5YazdreUxPZk40UT09

If you need interpretation, please submit your request here.