Seeking Auction Items and DJ for Spring Gala!
Wed, Apr 19 2:06pm

PS20’s annual Spring Gala + Auction is Thursday, May 18, and we need your help!


Donations Needed! Popular items in the past have been vacation home rentals, summer camps, restaurant gift cards, cases of wine/alcohol, sporting events, home decor, as well as experiences like lessons, museum tours, memberships, massages, parties for kids, tarot readings, closet clean outs/consultations, and more.

--Is your cousin a dentist—ask her for a free tooth whitening!

--Is your neighbor an amateur magician—maybe he'll offer a free magic show!

--Have access to sports box suites or Broadway tickets?

--Getting your hair or nails done and want to pay it forward? Ask for a donation!

--We also love and appreciate our local and family-owned businesses, who have all been so very generous in the past with their support! No ask or offer is too small.


We are also in need of a DJ! If you have the skills--or know someone who does--please be in touch!


Visit to register your auction goods!

Any questions? Email