Voluntary Head Lice Check - New Date
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School

Unfortunately, the clinician was not able to visit the school on Tuesday due to illness. We have rescheduled the lice check for Wednesday and Thursday. Please see all information below:


As you may know, there have been several incidents of lice recently at the school. While lice pose no threat to the health of our students, we recognize the frustration, expense, time, and–especially for our young people–stigma lice can cause. In an effort to break down barriers, promote dialogue, and prevent further outbreaks, the PTA is partnering with the school to offer a voluntary lice inspection after school at PS 20 on Wednesday, February 7 and Thursday, February 8, from 2:45-3:30 PM, in Ms. Perez's office. (Arrangements will be made with Mosaic and Kaleidoscope for children enrolled in aftercare.) 


To opt your child into this free inspection, please register your student(s) here.
NOTE:  If your child was due to be checked Tuesday, we will check them in Wednesday. If Wednesday does not work, please edit your response and indicate "Thursday" on the form. 


The DOE policy on head lice is below:


  • NYC Schools have a “No Head Lice” policy. Students who have live head lice are not allowed to go to school until they are lice-free. Students with nits are still allowed to attend.
  • Students may return to school the day after treatment for head lice as long as there are no live lice upon re-inspection by designated school personnel. (Please see Ms. Donna in the front office at PS 20.)  
  • Students will be re-inspected by a school worker 14 days after the treatment to make sure there are no live head lice.

If you have any questions about this free service, please reach out to the PTA Board at board@ps20.org