Volunteers Needed for Brotherhood Celebration: Friday February 16
Fri, Feb 16 8:00am-12:00pm
PS 20 The Clinton Hill School
1 day before

Next Friday, February 16,  PS20 classes will be sharing their tributes to Black History and Brotherhood through performances, class presentations, poems and visual art as a Brotherhood Celebration during the day.  Keeping with PS20 Brotherhood tradition, we plan to break bread and share a meal - this year breakfast - to help bring our community together and build bridges across our diverse community. 

We are requesting volunteers to help receive & set up donated food, general service and clean up at the end of the event

Please consider helping out by volunteering and supporting us with this wonderful PS 20 tradition!

RSVP & Food Donation online form



Brotherhood Celebration - Set Up Signed Up: 4 / 6

Fri, Feb 16 8:00am-8:30am
Sign up

Brotherhood Celebration - Breakfast Helper 8:30am Signed Up: 1 / 3

Fri, Feb 16 8:30am-9:30am
Sign up

Brotherhood Celebration - Breakfast Helper 9:30am Signed Up: 0 / 3

Fri, Feb 16 9:30am-10:30am
Sign up

Brotherhood Celebration - Breakfast Helper 10:30am Signed Up: 0 / 3

Fri, Feb 16 10:30am-11:30am
Sign up

Brotherhood Celebration - Clean Up Signed Up: 0 / 6

Fri, Feb 16 11:30am-12:00pm
Sign up