Bike to School Day
PS 372 -The Children's School

Join other Children's School Family to Bike, Scoot or Roll to school (both sites can participate).




If you are interested in participating or learning more, please fill out the Bike To School Sign Up ( to join one of these routes:

  • Kensington/Ditmas Park (Greenwood Ave & Prospect Park SW) 7:10am - Mr. Gur
  • Park Slope (PPW/3rd Street) 7:30am - Mr. Gur
  • South Slope (4th Ave/11th Street) 7:40am - Kathy & Rob
  • Boerum Hill (Rehab Center, Pacific btw Bond/Hoyt) 7:30am - Megan
  • Prospect Heights (*Vanderbilt Ave*/Bergen Street) 7:30am - Ms. Emily

We hope to see you there!