Let's Roll! - National Bike & Roll to School Day - Wednesday, May 8
Mon, May 6 9:08am

Hi PS 372 Community,

It's already May, can you believe it?!


It's National Bike & Roll to School Day so let's Bike, Walk & Roll to School together to celebrate activity and community!  We will have our group bike buses on Wednesday, May 8


Remember: you don't have to be on a bike to join a bike bus. Walk, roll, scoot, or skate - we'll be happy we can be together! Upon arrival at school, we will take a photo together to celebrate. :)


If you've never biked or scooted to school, it's the PERFECT time to join a safe, fun group ride.


We can show our support for getting active & have a fun start to the day!


If you are interested in participating or learning more, please email your Route Leader:

  • Or choose your own route