Reminder: After School Registration - Spring Session 3
Sun, Apr 28 12:09pm

PS 372 Families,

Hope you are enjoying your spring break!

Just a reminder that students MUST be registered for after school spring session 3 which starts on Wednesday, May 1st or they will not be enrolled and on the roster.

Info below:

Sign up and learn all about Stay & Play on our website at

This last session starts Wednesday, May 1st and ends Tuesday, June 25th. You must enroll even if you have enrolled in the past two sessions. 

Enrichment classes will start on Monday, May 6th (all students can start in regular after school prior to this start). For a full list of courses go to:

Enrichments are on a first come basis, so register ASAP as many are now full!

Drop ins can register here: 

Please make sure to communicate any dismissal changes with your child's teachers.

Thanks for a great winter session and we look forward to a FUNtastic last session!

-Michelle Dobson - After School Program Director 

Questions? Email me at