Final Day of the Math-A-Thon
Fri, Aug 30 6:02pm

We’re approaching the final hours of the Math-A-Thon, and there is still some work to be done.


The 3rd graders have retaken the lead with 4,700 problems solved and are on the verge of earning their ice cream party. The kindergartners have surpassed 4,200 problems and are also closing in on their goal. The 1st and 2nd graders are both around 3,400 and will need a hero to propel them over the top. And the 4th and 5th graders have solved 2,700 and 2,200, respectively, and are looking for a strong finish.


Will your student be the one to solve the 5,000th problem for their grade?


Next week, we’ll share statistics that showcase the incredible work of our students and highlight some of our top mathletes. Until then, we want to thank everyone for their participation.


If you have any last questions or comments, please reach out to us at