- February 3-9: Camp Auction
- February 4, 7:00-8:30 pm: DEI Parent/Caregiver Workshop (ZOOM - link to be sent this week)
- February 5, 7:30-8:20 am: Math Magic
- February 5, drop-off: Community Outreach CHiPS Weekly Food Drive
- February 8, 12:00-3:00pm: STEM Day
The Summer Camp Auction opens on Monday, February 3rd at 9AM and will run until Sunday, February 9th at 9PM.
Almost $17,000 worth of camp gift certificates will be available to bid on with 100% of proceeds going to the PTA. Be on the lookout for the link that will be sent tomorrow morning!
Please join the PS 107 PTA DEI Committee on for an important and special workshop series, led by teacher educator Kass Minor, a local D15 parent and author of Teaching Fiercely: Spreading Joy and Justice in Our Schools. This is a unique opportunity to come together as parents, educators and caregivers to raise thoughtful, compassionate kids who embrace diversity and understanding.
Over three 90-minute workshops on zoom, Kass will help us:
- Reflect on how our personal histories with school shape our experiences—and those of our children.
- Deepen our understanding of how to talk with kids about race, gender, class, and other important topics.
- Provide caregivers with resources and strategies to help students navigate the complex world that surrounds them
The PTA and PS 107 school leadership have invested to provide this workshop to our community because we want all students to feel that they belong in our community.
Let’s work together to raise great human beings and create a school foundation that reflects the values we all share. Please RSVP on Konstella. We hope to see you there!
Join us in the 4th floor art room for games, puzzles, worksheets, coffee, doughnuts, and Pi. All ages and proficiencies are welcome. Parents must attend Math Magic with their children, and students cannot be released until 8:20 am.
CHiPS is a soup kitchen/food pantry located on 4th Avenue. Over 600 people are served daily. Please bring donations Wednesdays during morning drop-off near the Main Entrance. Our 5th graders will be doing service days on 2/3 and 2/10 making turkey & cheese sandwiches for CHiPS - can you help too?! We request extra supplies to support their efforts: sandwich bread, mayo, and deli mustard. Cheese slices and turkey slices appreciated too if expiration date works. Alternately jelly, peanut butter (Jif or Skippy type PB easier for kids to spread),and ziploc sandwich bags. We are targeting donating 375 sandwiches across these three days so we appreciate your support! Thank you for supporting our neighbors!
What to donate: (please label all prepared items)
- Sandwiches - All Kinds (Ham/Cheese, Turkey/Cheese, Egg Salad, PBJ)
- Sliced Bread Packages
- Lunch Meat packages
- Eggs (fresh)
- Tortillas
- Prepared Meals (pasta, rice/beans, soup, pasta salad etc) Please pre-package in individual portions.
- Microwaveable Meals - Instant Ramen, Rice & Beans Packets
- Jelly Jars, Peanut Butter
- Cereal/Instant Oatmeal Packets
- Shelf Stable Milk & Juice Boxes
- Fruit cups
- Fresh Fruit (Oranges/Bananas, no apples please)
- Individually Wrapped Snacks (Nuts, Beef Sticks, Crackers, Bars/Cookies)
- To-go Containers & Sandwich Ziplock Baggies
- Plastic Utensils spoons/forks
- Fresh Direct Bags/Sturdy Bags
Stem Day returns! This fun filled day for the whole family is back on Saturday, February 8th this year from 12:00-3:00pm. Fan favorites return such as STARLAB Planetarium, Brooklyn Game Lab’s Battle Lab, hands on experiments with Tiny Scientist, scratch coding challenges with The Coding Space, and The Robot Foundry, Curious Jane, the Prospect Park Zoo, the Shed, Audubon New York and hands on experiments led by PS 107 parents. We are in need of volunteers to make this day possible! Please join us as a greeter, activity helper, set up/clean up crew, pizza sales- a little bit of your time will help the day continue to be a success!
Volunteers are needed to help the day run smoothly. Sign up on Konstella.