- January 20: NO SCHOOL
- January 21, 8:45 am: Coffee Morning for Prospective PTA/SLT Members (PS 107 cafeteria)
- January 22, 7:30-8:20 am: Math Magic
- January 22, drop-off: Community Outreach CHiPS Weekly Food Drive (with a special ask this week!)
- January 23, 8:45am: Parent workshop with Erica Smith
- January 25, 12:00-3:00pm: Heritage Day
- January 26, 3:00-5:00pm: Camp and After School Fair (Camp Friendship, 339 8th Street)
- Please note that the Thursday Morning Track Run is CANCELLED due to the cold.
A number of PTA Board and School Leadership Team (SLT) positions will be available at the end of this school year. If you're interested and would like to find out more from current members about what is involved, come along for coffee and an informal chat.
Positions available:
- PTA Board:
- Co-President
- Annual Fund Lead
- Co-Events Leads x2
- Co-Treasurer
- Co-DEI Leads x2
- SLT parent members x2
If you want to find out more but can't make it, please contact Co-Presidents Mike ( and Adam (
Join us in the 4th floor art room for games, puzzles, worksheets, coffee, doughnuts, and Pi. All ages and proficiencies are welcome. Parents must attend Math Magic with their children, and students cannot be released until 8:20 am.
CHiPS is a soup kitchen/food pantry located on 4th Avenue. Over 600 people are served daily. Please bring donations Wednesdays during morning drop-off near the Main Entrance. Our 5th graders will be doing service days on Mon 1/27, 2/3 and 2/10 making turkey & cheese sandwiches for CHiPS - can you help too?! We request extra supplies to support their efforts: sandwich bread, mayo, and deli mustard. Cheese slices and turkey slices appreciated too if expiration date works. Alternately jelly, peanut butter (Jif or Skippy type PB easier for kids to spread),and ziploc sandwich bags. We are targeting donating 375 sandwiches across these three days so we appreciate your support! Thank you for supporting our neighbors!
What to donate: (please label all prepared items)
- Sandwiches - All Kinds (Ham/Cheese, Turkey/Cheese, Egg Salad, PBJ)
- Sliced Bread Packages
- Lunch Meat packages
- Eggs (fresh)
- Tortillas
- Prepared Meals (pasta, rice/beans, soup, pasta salad etc) Please pre-package in individual portions.
- Microwaveable Meals - Instant Ramen, Rice & Beans Packets
- Jelly Jars, Peanut Butter
- Cereal/Instant Oatmeal Packets
- Shelf Stable Milk & Juice Boxes
- Fruit cups
- Fresh Fruit (Oranges/Bananas, no apples please)
- Individually Wrapped Snacks (Nuts, Beef Sticks, Crackers, Bars/Cookies)
- To-go Containers & Sandwich Ziplock Baggies
- Plastic Utensils spoons/forks
- Fresh Direct Bags/Sturdy Bags
Please join Dr Erica Miller, licensed clinical psychologist specializing in neuropsychological assessments, evidence-based treatments, and building positive relationships, on Thursday, January 23 at 8:45am for the first of an in-person parent workshop series at PS 107. The focus of this workshop is 'Building Frustration Tolerance.' Participants will join in an interactive discussion where they can ask questions, get support with issues, and learn applicable strategies including: 1) concrete, in-the-moment strategies caregivers can use to help de-escalate a frustrated child, and 2) strategies caregivers can use to help support their child/children build frustration tolerance so that they can more productively tolerate distress as it comes. We hope to see you there!
Heritage Day, a long-loved PS 107 tradition, returns on Saturday, January 25th from 12 to 3pm. On Heritage Day, volunteers from our school community take over the building to host rooms highlighting their family's home country or state. Students are offered an opportunity to visit these destinations - all in one afternoon - with a passport to prove it!
Heritage Day allows our diverse school community to share traditions and expose others to the sights, sounds, foods, stories, and music that are out unique cultural touchstones. We would love to invite all members of the school community to contribute. If you would like to host or co-host a room, please fill out THIS FORM to apply.
If you are unable to host but would like to help, please consider volunteering at the event. E-mail Brad Allen ( for further information. We hope to see you all there!
Join our friends at PS 39 on Sunday, January 26th from 3-5pm at Camp Friendship, (339 8th Street), to learn more about local summer camps, holiday camps, and after school programs.
Attendees will be able to meet program staff and will also be offered discount opportunities for some programs.