Weekly CHiPS Food Drive, resuming Wednesday, September 25th
Wed, Sep 18 6:50am
To our PS 107 Community, 
Please support our neighbors through the Community Outreach Committee's Weekly CHiPS Food Drive, resuming Wednesday, September 25th at morning drop-off!  
Beginning September 25th, every Wednesday school morning, rain or shine, our team of volunteers will be collecting food donations for CHiPS at a table by the school's main entrance during morning drop-off.  The CHiPS' donation list remains the same as last year, with central items highlighted in bold.
What to donate to CHiPS Weekly Food Collection: (please label all prepared items)
  • Sandwiches - All Kinds (Ham/Cheese, Turkey/Cheese, Egg Salad, PBJ) (Please label)
  • Sliced Bread Packages
  • Lunch Meat packages
  • Eggs
  • Tortillas
  • Prepared Meals (pasta, rice/beans, soup, pasta salad etc) Please pre-package in individual portions.
  • Microwaveable Meals - Instant Ramen, Rice & Beans Packets
  • Jelly Jars, Peanut Butter
  • Cereal/Instant Oatmeal Packets
  • Shelf Stable Milk & Juice Boxes
  • Fruit cups
  • Fresh Fruit (Oranges/Bananas, no apples please)
  • Individually Wrapped Snacks (Nuts, Beef Sticks, Crackers, Bars/Cookies)
  • To-go Containers & Sandwich Ziplock Baggies
  • Plastic Utensils spoons/forks
  • Fresh Direct Bags/Sturdy Bags
About CHiPS:  CHiPS (Community Help in Park Slope) is a soup kitchen/food pantry established in 1971 to help support neighbors currently experiencing food insecurity, no questions asked.  They are a volunteer-based organization serving daily 100-150 breakfasts, 350-400 lunches and up to 50 after-hour sandwiches, hundreds of weekly "meal bag" offerings through their food pantry, along with providing support for new mothers through their residence program.
PS 107 Community Outreach:  PS 107 is a School of Service. The Community Outreach team works to support the 107 community and its neighbors through community building and a variety of events including our weekly food drive for CHiPS.  We amplify and adapt to the needs of our community. Our goal is to evolve, grow, and undo the systemic inequities in ourselves and existing structures.
CHiPS & PS 107:  During the 2023-24 school year, PS 107 donated over 200 Fresh Direct bags worth of food and supplies to CHiPS through our Community Outreach Weekly Food Drives.  Additionally, our 5th grade class made and donated over 325 sandwiches during some 5th grade service days.  CHiPS is grateful for our school's support!
Please consider supporting CHiPs with your food donations in any way you can.  We hope to see you on Wednesday mornings!  
Julie F. + Julie S., Jeanne & the CHiPS Volunteer Team, Kami Altman, Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke, Francesca Furian
Julie Allen Fields, Community Outreach Committee member & CHiPS Liaison
Julie Mee Schmidt, Community Outreach Committee Co-Chair
Jeanne Schwartz, Community Outreach Committee Co-Chair