What an inspiring 5th grade green team!
Sat, Dec 14 7:59am



As pictured above, the PS 107 5th Grade Green Team presented to the entire school for @nycschools Climate Action Day on how to reduce single-use plastics in your daily life. Check out some of their slides here. Join your student in their pledge to take the no plastic pledge (pledge to stop/reduce bottles, utensils, and ziplock type baggies)!


The team also sorted our Terracycle collection from November of various hard-to-recycle items (e.g. squeezy pouches). This will earn points to support causes of their choice and continues to build awareness of what is difficult to recycle. We sorted and shipped a whopping 64lbs pounds!


Finally, thank you to our volunteers from last weekend that participated in the Prospect Park Junior Rangers clean-up! The park is PS107’s greater back yard, and a wonderful group of volunteers this weekend gathered to rake leaves and care for the park. 

Have a wonderful holiday season. It is a season that can generate much waste and consumption, but it does not have to. Think about the 5th grade’s pledge and do your best to bring our planet into a greener 2025.