Parents Supporting Special Education (PSSE)

The Parents Supporting Special Education (PSSE) Committee meets monthly to share neurodiverse education and parent resources, schedules parent workshops, hosts tables at school events with neurodiverse activities for all and creates a safe space where parents can discuss challenges and offer each other support.  Previous initiatives include bringing neurodiverse books to the school library, creating a special education middle school survey, and setting up a drive collection and Amazon wishlist for sensory supplies which were distributed to ICT classrooms at PS107.  Please contact Lisa Uribe for more information.

Positions (1/4 filled)

PSSE Co-Committee Chair Signed Up: 2 / 2

Committee Members Signed Up: 32 / 40

The Parents Supporting Special Education (PSSE) Committee meets monthly to share neurodiverse education and parent resources, schedules parent workshops, hosts tables at school events with neurodiverse activities for all and creates a safe space where parents can discuss challenges and offer each other support. Previous initiatives include bringing neurodiverse books to the school library, creating a special education middle school survey, and setting up a drive collection and Amazon wishlist for sensory supplies which were distributed to ICT classrooms at PS107. Join the PSSE Committee! Please contact Lisa Uribe for more information (
Sign up

PSSE Volunteer Lead Signed Up: 0 / 1

Organize volunteers for PSSE events and annual sensory toy drive
Sign up

PSSE Events Lead Signed Up: 0 / 2

Organize PSSE table/activity at PS107 events: Fall Festival, Art Day, Spring Fling, etc.
Sign up