Any time you wish to purchase PGS or Avon spirit wear, visit our online store at https://pine-grove-school.
The PGS PTO is bringing back an exciting fundraiser from Minted! Any time you shop minted.com and use the code FUNDRAISEPINEGROVESCH, you receive 20% off your order* AND 15% of proceeds will go back to PGS. Be sure to take advantage when shopping for holiday cards and gifts! This code is valid for savings all year long!
Thursday, January 9 - PGS General PTO Meeting @ 6:30pm
Monday, January 20 - No School (MLK Day)
Wednesday, February 12 - Early Dismissal 11:50 (Prof. Dev.)
Friday, February 14 - Valentines Day Lunch
Mon-Tues, February 17-18 - No School (Presidents Day)
Saturday, February 22 - Wolfpack Game

Click Here for Board of Education Meetings dates and agenda.
For more information about PGS PTO visit as at https://www.pgspto.com/
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