Piney's Dance Off Weekend Update!
Sat, Mar 23 6:56pm

Hello Amazing PGS Community!


⭐️  We are SO CLOSE to reaching our goals for PINEY'S DANCE OFF!!   ⭐️

💥As of now we have 70% of our students registered.💥

If we get just 5% more, the entire school community will get a DJ'ed RECESS!!! 

Please consider registering if you have not already!


💥 We have also raised just over $23,000!! 💥

We believe we will achieve that $25,000 very soon with all of your support! 

And WHEN we reach that $25,000 goal our school will have earned a fun filled interactive basketball contest with faculty, staff, selected students, and PINEY participating! 



Please help us bring these exciting events to PGS by visiting