Drop Off/Pick Up Reminders
Wed, Sep 25 8:57am

Hello PFA Families-

We are hoping that the start of your school year is going well. Here are a few reminders to make our drop off and pick up times run smoothly and safely:


1) There is no parking or stopping in front of the building for 2nd -12th grade classes.  This is a fire lane. You must park in a parking spot to pick up your child. Students in 7th - 12th grade may walk to the car with parent permission. 


2) Classes start at 8:30. Please be in your classroom no later than 8:25. Arriving in the parking lot at 8:30 is disruptive to classes that are trying to start on time. Please allow for potential traffic increases as more people are being asked to return to their offices.


3) If you are picking up in the Liberty Center please use the stairs as much as possible. We would like to keep the elevator free for students with rolling backpacks and people who are unable to take the stairs. 


4) Parents please keep your littles with you at all times. We do not want any accidents to occur from running in the hallways, on the stairs, or in the parking lot. 


5) Please make sure that you relay drop off/pick up instructions to family members and caregivers who are picking up your child. 


We appreciate your cooperation to observe our safety rules.