FaLaLa success and thanks
Tue, Dec 17 12:48pm

We had a great evening of fun and fellowship at our FaLaLa Festival on Dec. 12.  Many thanks to Kristen Koppel and Eileen Brown for heading up this event, and the many helping hands that made this happen.

We wanted to give a special thanks to the families who donated goods and services to our silent auction.  We were able to raise over $1700 for our DC scholarship fund.

Please consider sending your business their way.


Dandelion and Hope-Essential oils by Angela Wong  www.Dandelionandhome.com

Dekeyrel Chiropractic-60 minute massage    www.dekeyrelchiropractic

Ben's Baretplace-Natural dog treats and products     Https://bensbarketplace.com

Dream Dinners-$200 gift certificate Mrs Epps   https://dreamdiners.com/location/camden

Bay Area Colonic- 1 free session of colon hydrotherapy    https://www.bayareacolonics.com

Melanie's Cookies-Melanie Ramirez pastry chief https://melaniescookies.squarespace.com/contact

Dynamic Chiropractic-Dr. Tracy Erickson   $300 gift certificate  1080 Minnesota Ave  408-294-2285

Handy Homes Handyman Services-Casey Quon  3.5 hours of service   http://www.honeyhomes.com

The Xiong Moye donated proceeds from Boba Tea station

Our teachers donating tutoring session: Mr. Langdon, Mr. Johnson, and Mrs. Delaney

The Koppel family- donated kids baking gift basket

The Brown Family-donated Legos, games and tutoring

May you all have a beautiful and Christ filled Christmas and holiday.

See you in January.