Save the Date and Sleep-In Committee Sign-Up
The most adored fundraiser of the year is almost upon us and we'd love help coordinating the best overnight party of the year - The Ralston Sleepover!
Kindly, sign up below to be a committee member. Event Volunteer Sign-Ups will be sent out separately and we'll be looking for lots of support. Event flyer with details attached! 😃
When: Drop off on Fri., May 6th @ 6:30pm (Please eat dinner before event). Pick -up on Sat., May 7th @ 8:30am (light breakfast will be served)
Where: Ralston Elementary. Lobby Drop off. Activities in Gym|Makerspace|Cafeteria|Library|Playground
Cost: $50 Per Kid Full Night ($25 if Parent Volunteers overnight) $25 – Per Kid Half Night - Pickup @ 10pm $65 if registering late (Wed/Thur before event); $75 the day of the event. (All proceeds go to Ralston PTA to fund Teacher Aide’s, STEM, Maintain Full-Time AMP Teachers and so much more)
2 Step Registration: By Monday, May 2th. Pay on Konstella and turn in the district-required 3-page permission form available on Google Docs. (available soon)
Ralston Sleep-In Committee Members Signed Up: 6 / 6 |