SLEEP-IN THANK YOU SHOUT OUT ! We Appreciate Mr. Malling, Mrs. Somers & Mrs. Knight & ALL the generous Volunteers & Donors that made the Sleep-In A HUGE Success!
Sat, May 6 12:00pm

A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT PITCHED IN TO MAKE LAST NIGHT A HUGE SUCCESS!! WE APPRECIATION YOU!! Staff, Volunteers, Donors, Parents!! This event is possible because of YOU!

- Please check lost and found! Tons of important things were left behind! Camera's,  pillows, sleeping bags, water bottles, tooth brushes and more. 

- Thanks for being patient with the two step sign-up process, next year we'll do a "rolling sign-in" to help make drop off go more smoothly. 

- Hope everyone is enjoying a well deserved nap today. 

Many thanks for helping us keep kids stay safe and have the times of their lives! Thank you to Alison Ferguson for taking over next year and keeping this memorable legacy fundraiser going. Ralston is such a special place. 

Hugs & Love, 

Melissa Reiss & Ralston Families - Powered by the PTA