PTO Newsletter 9/10/24
Tue, Sep 10 12:57pm

Redstone PTO Newsletter 

(September 10th, 2024)

PTO Newsletter 9/10/24


Redstone families welcome back!  The school year is just beginning; below are some PTO updates:


Upcoming PTO Dates

9/13/24 - Principal’s Coffee and PTO Meeting

9/19/24 - Rockin Run

9/19/24 - Homecoming Parade

9/20/24 - No School Teacher PD Day

9/26/24 - MOD Pizza Restaurant Night 8AM-11PM

9/30/24 - Picture Retake Day

10/1/24 and 10/3/24 - Fall Conferences

9/30/24 - 10/3/24 - Book Fair Open

10/1/24 - HipPops at Redstone 3:30-4:30 PM

10/14/24 - 10/19/24 - Fall Break



Redstone Rockin’ Run - September 19

Get ready for the Rockin’ Run! Our annual fun run raises money to enhance the learning experience at Redstone for all of our students and staff. Last year, we were able to replace the gymnasium carpet with hardwood! This year we are beginning the process of raising funds to replace aging playground equipment. Our goal is to raise $50,000 for:

  • Playground upgrades (multi-year project)
  • Educator/classroom grants
  • School community events


Click here to link to the fundraising site to get started now! 


MOD Pizza Restaurant Night


Thursday September 26th 8AM-11PM


Join us at MOD Pizza for an easy dinner and they will contribute 25% of sales back to Redstone! You can order online with code MODGIVES25 or show the flyer in the restaurant


Become Part of the PTO Family for 2024/2025

Redstone Elementary's Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) wants you! There are opportunities for everyone to get involved. Can you only help from home? Want to spend more time in the school building? We have a spot for you! Please let us know if you are interested in getting involved next year by filling out the form below:

Click to fill out PTO interest form 


PTO Fundraising Opportunities


Spirit Rock

The Redstone Spirit Rock is available for reservations. Our Spirit Rock is a fun way to spread any kind of positive message. Rent the rock to celebrate a birthday, thank a teacher or staff member, wish good luck on competitions or tournaments, recognize milestones, etc.

Cost is $10 per day. You’ll see a Paypal link in the Sign Up Genius - please make sure to pay for your date(s) when you reserve your spot. 

Sign up for the Spirit Rock


PTO Fundraising Opportunities

  • King Soopers Rewards: Please enroll your rewards card under Redstone Elementary. Click the link below - it will require you sign into your account (or register if you have never done so) and search for Redstone Elementary PTO or use our number YB132 under the Community Rewards Section.
  • Box Tops: No more clipping - just scan your receipt.  See how at:
  • American Furniture Warehouse - shop online or in store, and use promo code SCHOOL with the school ID RES032



Did you know you can automatically sync your calendar with Redstone’s so you don’t miss important dates? Click the link below to import into your calendar:

RSE calendar link


Spirit Wear

Show your Redstone pride and make sure you’re ready for Spirit Fridays! You can now shop for Redstone spirit wear year-round here:

Shop Redstone Spirit Wear


Keep in touch with the Redstone PTO



Thank you,

Redstone PTO