Rent the Redstone Spirit Rock
Tue, Aug 6 6:56pm

Hello Redstone Families!


The 2024/2025 Spirit Rock Rental Signup is ready!


The Redstone Spirit Rock is a fun way to spread any kind of positive message. Rent the rock to help celebrate a student's birthday, thank a teacher or staff member, wish good luck on competitions and tournaments, recognize milestones, etc.

Please note that profanity, advertising, political, and religious messages are NOT permitted.  We reserve the right to paint over inappropriate messages.  

Rock reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. Reserve the date or dates you want using this sign-up!   You may begin painting at 4pm ON THE DAY PRIOR to your reservation. Your rock reservation is from 4pm the day BEFORE you sign up until 4pm the day of event or until the next rock reservation.

You will typically need four cans of spray paint for the base (1 primer/covering coat and 2-3 for base color) and any additional paint for your design. Better brand of paint, better coverage.  For more intricate designs, craft paint, foam brushes and stencils may be used. In the case of inclement weather, the rock can be towel dried. The paint will adhere even in the rain/snow, if you want to brave the elements. If painting in the rain or snow is not your thing, revisit the calendar and pick the next available date.


Payment is due at the time of reservations. Cost is $10/per day. 


All proceeds go directly into our PTO fund account. These funds support teacher resources, student learning, and community events.


Any questions, please contact Redstone PTO and