Snacks and treats for Staff Professional development day and parent/teacher conferences!
Mon, Feb 5 1:17pm

Hi Redstone Families,

Our teachers and staff are continually working hard to enrich our children, and to help them learn and grow. They will be attending a Professional Development day on 2/16 to further sharpen their skills. Let’s spoil them with snacks and beverages to fuel their hard work!

The following week is also parent teacher conferences! The staff would love some of your favorite homemade treats to keep them energized on those long days of conferences.

The sign up genius below has options to donate snacks for the professional development day, or homemade treats for conferences, or both! Please sign up for a snack or beverage item or homemade treat that you would like to donate. You can drop off all snack contributions at the school on Thursday 2/15, and homemade treats for conferences on Wednesday 2/21.

Link to sign up:

Thank you so much! Your donations are very appreciated!

Redstone PTO