Fri, May 10 11:21am
Calling all RHS families! The Move-a-thon is TOMORROW, SATURDAY, MAY 11 with a day of walking and family fun. Please join us!
- Who: YOU, your child, and your family!
- When: TOMORROW, Saturday, May 11, 10-3pm. Registration starts at 9:30am.
- Where: Redwood Heights School schoolyard
- Why: To celebrate and have time together while we support our school. Kids will walk and earn credit for laps, parents and families will hang out and listen to good music with DJ Delon, eat food with the Dad’s club, and spend time together.
What you need to bring:
- Your family :)
- A box of frozen popsicles to keep the walkers energized
- Water bottle for your child (kids earn one lap for bringing a water bottle!)
- Reusable plates and utensils
- A hat/umbrella/sunscreen
- A blanket, chair, or anything else for hanging out
We need your help to make the day a success, so please sign up here to help out!
A Few Other Notes:
- On Saturday each child will receive their official RHS Move-a-thon 2024 t-shirt at registration! Registration begins at 9:30AM
- Sign up! Only 26% of RHS students are signed up to fundraise with RallyUp. Please create your kid’s page today - step-by-step instructions can be found here.
- Gather donations! We are currently at 51% of our goal! Let’s keep up the momentum! Kids not feeling motivated? Check out the prize sheet here. Kids not sure what to say? Tips and scripts can be found here.
- Bring popsicles! Each family should bring a box of popsicles (already frozen) on Saturday to help power the kids through their laps. It’s amazing how much the kids love the popsicle station!
- Sports conflicting with the Move-a-thon? Your kid can still participate! Kids get credit for 2 laps for every 30 minutes of sports they have during the Move-a-thon (10-3pm on Saturday), for up to 2 hours. So they can come to the Move-a-thon before or after that soccer game and still get credits and meet their lap goals! Just let us know when you get to registration and we’ll get those laps posted.
- Remind your kids about prizes! Do they know they can be entered to win 4 tickets to Great America and other “golden ticket” prizes?? Each $100 raised gets a mystery bag with small prizes. 20 of those bags will include a Golden Ticket for a special prize, including tickets to Great America, legos, games, Target gift cards, ROBUX, and more! Check out the prize sheet here.
- Need more info? Click here for a description of the Moveathon, grade-level lap goals, FAQs, and more.
Questions? Email Jen ( or Kacie (