RHS Town Hall with Mike Hutchinson
Tue, Jan 28 6:00pm-7:30pm
Redwood Heights Elementary

District 4 School Board Director Mike Hutchinson will be holding an OUSD Town Hall for Redwood Heights this coming Tuesday, January 28, from 6pm - 7:30pm in our Cafetorium.


As you may have heard, Oakland Unified School District is facing a significant budget deficit, and will likely vote on a $95million budget adjustment package at their February 20th Special School Board Meeting.

This is our opportunity to provide proactive feedback about the OUSD-funded positions and programs that matter to our community, and to hear directly about the cuts that are under consideration.

You can read Director Hutchinson's event description here.


Thank you for your support - we look forward to seeing you if you can make it on Tuesday.

With appreciation,

Anna Heath & Vi Lê

President & Executive Vice President

Redwood Heights PTA
