PPS Facilities Referendum Vote Day
Tue, Jan 28 6:00am-8:00pm
Check your ballot
For referendum information, go to: https://princetonk12.org/future
1. Vote by Mail - here are options for returning your completed Vote by Mail ballot:
  • Mail it in time to ensure it is postmarked by the election date (1/28).  

  • Deposit it in a designated drop box by 8 p.m. Jan. 28. Drop boxes for this election are at:

    a) Princeton Municipal Building, 400 Witherspoon St. (in front of the Municipal Building facing Witherspoon Street)

    b) Princeton University Dinky Station/Wawa, 152 Alexander St. (around the circular drop off area in front of Wawa).

    c) Board of Elections, 930 Spruce St., Lawrence

    d) County Clerk’s Office - Courthouse Annex, 209 S. Broad St., Trenton (front of building)

  • Mail-in ballots will not be accepted at the polls.

   2. Vote in person check your sample ballot for your voting location or use the Polling Place Search Tool

Polls are open Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The four polling locations available for the Jan. 28 special election are:

Suzanne Patterson Center, 1 Monument Drive: DISTRICTS 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 20

Hook & Ladder Fire House, 27 North Harrison St.: DISTRICTS 8, 13, 18

Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Place: DISTRICTS 3, 4

Princeton Public Schools Administration Building, 25 Valley Road: DISTRICTS 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17,  19

You also can enter your address in the state's Polling Place Search Tool to find out where to vote.