REMINDER: After School Clubs - Registration Opens TONIGHT (8pm EST)
Tue, Jan 21 1:27pm

Registration for after-school clubs for the Winter Season opens TONIGHT. At 8PM EST.

Registration will close by EOD Friday.

Clubs will start the week of Feb 3rd, and run until March 20th.

Clubs take place at Riverside from 3-4:15PM and children must be picked up (or sent to aftercare) at 4:15PM.  


Click here to view the full line-up of clubs

Note that some have found it easier to view the calendar on a laptop (vs. phone). You can also visit and search for our school, and it will take you to the list of clubs listed out by day.  There is a tag on the top of each club that shows what ages the club is for.  You can click on each club for a full description of the club. 


We are still seeking Parent Volunteers for Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will require 2 Parent Volunteers per day, and they will predominantly assist at the start of clubs and then lead the dismissal process.  If interested in finding out more about what the role entails, please email us at

All Parent Volunteers will get a guaranteed spot for their child in the club of their choice (if you volunteer before 8pm tonight!) and a 50% discount on the club fee for 1 child.


Please find the FAQ doc linked below or email us with any questions.

FAQs for Winter Clubs @ RS