Riverside Garden Coldframe Project - kickoff meeting this Friday Jan 24 at noon (zoom)
Wed, Jan 22 7:58pm

Join us this Friday at noon (zoom) to support the Riverside Garden and help plan the coldframe project! We will be using Riverside's Covid-era collection of plexiglass to build boxes that our children & students will be able to use to grow edible plants in the colder seasons. Following in the Riverside Garden tradition, these coldframe boxes will enrich the Riversider experience and leave a restorative legacy for future students and the junior gardeners of tomorrow. 


If you cannot join the meeting but are interested in participating in any way, including hands-on building/lending or using power tools, email abby.gross@gmail.com


Topic: Project Coldframe
Time: Jan 24, 2025 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 744 2490 4765
Passcode: h8fm9H