Riverside PTO Newsletter - 2/3/25
Mon, Feb 3 6:37am

Good morning Riverside!  We're trying a little something new with the PTO Newsletter this week -  we're sending it as a link to a Google Doc along with a very abbreviated summary here.  If you like the new format, or prefer the old Konstella style, please let us know by emailing president@rspto.org.

Thank you,  Shep & Joy

Here we go!   This is the link for the 2/3/25 PTO Update.


Abbreviated Summary:

Clubs begin today and run Mondays – Thursdays through March 20th.

The Book Fair is coming up in March and we need your help.  If you can volunteer, or even help lead the team, please sign up on Konstella.  

5th Grade Parents - please start collecting photos for the yearbook!  More information and event opportunities to come!  K & 4th Grade families, be on the lookout for spring garden fest planning announcements.

Important dates and links are listed below.

Feb 12@ Noon: PTO Bike & Ped Safety Committee Meeting (Riverside Rm 1)

Feb 14 - Feb 17: Schools Closed (Designated Snow Day and President’s Day)

Feb 12@ 7p: PTO General Meeting (Riverside Rm 1 - Tentative Date & Time)