Riverside PTO Newsletter 1/18//25
Tue, Jan 21 1:20pm


PTO Update 01/18/25

Happy 3-Day Weekend Riverside Families!

Today is the last day to send in the Vote-by-Mail application for the January 28th referendum.  More details below.

Join your friends for PPS night at Princeton Tigers Men’s Basketball on February 1st.  Details and ticketing info are on Konstella.  Tickets for the PPS seating section must be purchased by Monday, January 20th @ 5pm.

The After School Clubs team has been hard at work on winter clubs and the catalog is now available on Homeroom. Sign ups are Tuesday, 1/21 at 8pm.  Some classes go very quickly so be sure that your Homeroom account is setup and your children are linked to the correct school (Riverside Elementary in Princeton, NJ) and classroom BEFORE you sign ups begin.  Clubs will begin February 3rd and run on Mondays – Thursdays through March 20th.

The annual Riverside pancake breakfast is on January 25th from 9a-11a. The first grade families are hosting this year so, 1st grade parents, please sign up to help with everything from pre-event shopping to Lunar New Year activities. 5th graders are again invited to volunteer to sign up as servers. The tips they earn help fund their moving up activities.  Information and sign-up links are on Konstella

5th Grade Parents - please start collecting photos for the yearbook!  More information and volunteer opportunities to come!

Important dates and links are listed below.


Jan 20 @ 5p: Last day to purchase tickets for PPS Night at Princeton Men’s Basketball as the Princeton Tigers take on the Brown Bears on February 1st  🏀

Jan 21 @ 8p: Winter clubs sign up on Homeroom.

Jan 21: Application for Vote by Mail Ballot due - mail no later than Saturday, 1/18 before last pickup. There is no mail service on Monday, 1/20 due to the MLK holiday.  Collections at the Nassau street post office are at 11a, 2p (inside), 3p; in Kingston at 12:30p, and Carnegie Center post office lobby at 4p.

Jan 24 @ Noon: Green Team Zoom meeting to kick off the garden cold frames project - contact Abby Gross for info.

Jan 25 @ 9a: Riverside Pancake Breakfast - Hosted by the 1st Grade and including a Lunar New Year activity.

Jan 28: PPS Facilities Referendum Vote Day

Feb 1@5p: Princeton University Basketball/PPS Game Day  - PTO Ticket purchasing closed end of day on 1/20.

Referendum Information:

At December's general meeting, we hosted a Q&A about the PPS January Bond Referendum, that discussion can be found here.  An online community forum with PPS staff and architects can be found at princetonk12.org/future (scroll to the middle of the page).


Watch an overview video, learn about the end-of-life PHS HVAC, and PMS space needs. To learn more about this referendum to fund school improvements in anticipation of enrollment growth and to minimize the need for redistricting, click here or go to: princetonk12.org/future


Referendum School ToursClick HERE to sign up to attend the remaining tours.  We encourage 5th grade parents to take this opportunity to tour PHS on January 24th @ 5:30 pm or January 26th @ 10:00 am