Tonight! Princeton Board of Education Candidates Town Hall @ Riverside
Tue, Oct 22 6:00pm-8:00pm
Riverside Elementary

Please join us tonight at Riverside for a Town Hall with the six PPS Board of Education candidates running for the three open BOE seats in the November 5th election.  It's an opportunity to meet the candidates and ask questions. 

To assist us in space planning, we ask that you RSVP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE KONSTELLA EVENT PAGE if you plan to attend in-person (if you're reading this as an email, click "view on Konstella" at the bottom of the email to respond).

You may submit questions in advance to:

Advance question submission deadline: 10/17

Event Schedule:

6:00p - 6:30p: Meet & Greet/Coffee Outside of Main Entrance 
6:30p - 8:00p: Town Hall (Cafeteria/All Purpose Room*)
*location subject to change depending on number of attendees.
If you're interested in helping out with event prep or Zoom management, please contact us.
The event will also be streamed live on Zoom
For Candidate Information: Click on this candidate listing compiled by the Princeton Parent Teacher Organization Council (PTOC). 
The PTOC also has posted their candidates webinar from October 1st on YouTube
(or click "view on Konstella" if you're reading this as an email)