KidsFirst at Sunset View
Weekly Eblast
A Message from Principal Jennifer O'Connor!
Upcoming Key Dates:
- January 13 - KidsFirst Board Meeting
- January 15 - UTK/ Kinder Casual Spring Pictures & 4th Grade Promotion Picture Day
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - no school
- January 23 - Flag Ceremony
- January 24 - 100th Day of School
- January 31 - Jogathon - Minimum day
Helpful Links
- Annual Giving Donation Page
- Corporate Sponsorships
- Sunset View School Calendar & Bell Schedule
- SVE Before & After School Info
- School Lunch Menu
- School Breakfast Menu
- SVE Social Groups
- Konstella Help/Cheat Sheet
- KidsFirst Meeting Minutes
School Wide Sign Ups:
Fire Relief Donations Needed
Mel Sadler is coordinating the fire relief donations at the front of the school.
Pickup: Monday(1/13) 9:00am – 6:00pm
Donation Type
Diapers – all sizes Feminine Products
Diaper cream Pet Food – dry dog food / wet cat food
Baby Food Chargers / Back up cords
Baby Formula Bins or Boxes
* No longer accepting clothes or shoes.
Any further questions Mel’s contact information is: 904-687-4212.
Wednesday 01/15 in the morning-
- Casual pictures for UTK/Kinder
- Promotion Pictures for 4th grade; please send a change of clothes for after pictures are taken
- Casual pictures for 1st , 2nd, and 3rd grades and Makeup Promotion Pictures for 4th grade will be take Feb 11.
Next School Year TK Enrollment News - please share this information with you neighbors
Transitional Kindergarten (currently known as UTK) will do an online enrollment sometime in March. We anticipate having three TK classes onsite with 20 students and two teachers per classroom. The District will host TK Parent Workshops via Zoom in mid/to late January. Please monitor our District website for updates to help you navigate this process and for the link to the Zoom workshop.
Since this will be an online only enrollment please secure your enrollment documents early. These were the documents requested last year but that could change:
- current immunizations,
- current proof of address (dated within 30 days of submitting the document to the school),
- birth certificate or current passport, and
- an IEP, if that pertains to you; it does not pertain to most.
Thanks to a generous community of parents, friends and relatives, Sunset View's
Do you know anyone who owns a business, or are you a business owner who could partner with us? This is a great opportunity for a company to make an impact on children while gaining name recognition in our own local Point Loma community. There will be at least 500 shirts printed and running around Point Loma! Purchase a sponsorship HERE. Please note, if you donated this year as a Corporate Sponsor, your donation already includes your company logo on the jogathon shirts. The largest donor will have the largest headline logo on the back of the t-shirt.
The following is a breakdown of what we're offering our corporate sponsors. Please pass this along to someone you know if you cannot donate yourself. Thank you!
- $1,000 (or more) Headline Logo Level (amount of your choice)
Your company logo will be prominently featured as one of the largest images on the back of the 500 t-shirts, positioning your brand as a top supporter of the event. - $350 Donor Level
Your company logo will be placed on the back of our 500 t-shirts in a smaller size, providing recognition of your support. - Custom Level
Any questions about Corporate Sponsorships for Jogathon should be directed to Jo Jo Cadwell or Jill Bruckart via Konstella.

President: kidsfirstpresident@
Vice President: kidsfirstvp@gmail.
Treasurer: kidsfirsttreasurer@
Bookkeeper: kidsfirstbookkeepe
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