News You Can Use: Mid Week
Wed, Jan 15 6:00pm

Jogathon has kicked off!  Time to Register and Start Pledging!

This year's event, Take Me Out to the Jogathon, is officially live in Pledgestar! Time to lace up those running shoes  and register your kids while you start gathering  pledges.   Let's make it a great event.

Some key reminders to keep you on track:

  1. Register your child on Pledgestar and start collecting pledges today.   Once  you start sending emails, your child will start receiving incentive prizes. 
  2. Incentive prizes will be distributed to the kids on Wednedays, Jan 15, 22, and 29.  We will announce them over the intercom in the mornings and then deliver them to teachers to hand out. 
  3. Encourage your kids to attend Running Club— besides running being a plus, we will have some Jogathon rallies in the mornings.
  4. This year's theme is Take Me Out to the Jogathon! Ask your child to sing you the song they learned, and practice it!   
  5. Moonlight Madness is on April 11, and the Grand Prize Experience will be May 1. Pledge targets are $400 and $800, respectively—let's hit those targets and make these events unforgettable!
  6. Jogathon Logowear will be sold before the event, both at school and in Konstella. 
  7.  Flag Ceremony: This month’s only flag ceremony will be held on Thursday, January 23, at 9:00 AM.  There will be some Jogathon rally-ing and fun! 

If you’re interested in helping out hands-on with any of the schoolwide events (Jogathon, Moonlight Madness, or Grand Prize Experience), let us know! Or, if you're interested in taking the reins for any of these events in future years, please reach out to Jo Jo Cadwell in Konstella.   This is your chance to train for the role.   The kids will treat you like a superhero with mini celebrity status :) 

You should be receiving messages from your class captains soon with the day-of details. Thank you for helping make this event awesome—and for reading this long message! 

Running times and class colors are listed below. 


Thank you!

Jo Jo Cadwell (mom of Kiyo and Kaz), Jogathon Chair